4.2 The R console

The R console (bottom-left panel) is where the magic happens!

It is where the user/programmer/you will interact with R.

Let’s give it a try. Type (or copy-paste) the following in the console (bottom-left panel), and hit the Enter/Return key: return key 1 return key 2


getwd() is a function. Remember that functions are followed by parenthesis/round brackets.

Upon clicking Enter/Return, you are asking the R kernel to execute the function.

What R returns is the response/result after executing the function.

The getwd() function retrieves and outputs your current working directory.

Let’s try to interact a bit more with the console: copy-paste the following, and hit Enter/Return:


R gives you the results of this simple multiplication.


In the console, press the up arrow key rstudio interface: this goes back to the previous commands/lines you wrote and sent in the console.