2.2 Install R packages

Once R and RStudio are successfully installed, Open RStudio:

rstudio logo

In the bottom-right panel, click on tab “Packages” and then “Install” . In the “Packages” box, write “tidyverse” and click “Install”. It should look like the below image:

rstudio install packages

The installation of this first package will take several minutes.

Repeat the process for the following packages:

  • ggrepel
  • pheatmap
  • plotly
  • openxlsx
  • VennDiagram

Note: install packages one by one, as it eases debugging in case of installation failure.

If installation of the first package (tidyverse) repeatedly fails, try and install the following packages independently:

  • tidyr
  • dplyr
  • ggplot2
  • stringr