12.2 R contrib

All other packages:

As of February 2019*


Set of R packages specialized in the analysis of bioinformatics data.

Bioconductor supports most types of genomics and NGS data (e.g. limma, DESeq2, BayesPeak) and integrates: * Specific data classes (e.g. Granges from GenomicRanges) * Integrates command line tools (e.g Rsamtools) * Annotation tools (e.g. biomaRt)

There are different types of Bioconductor packages: * Software: set of functions + e.g. DESeq2 (NGS data analysis) * Annotation: annotation of specific arrays, organisms, events, etc. + e.g. BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38 * Experiment: data that can be loaded and used + e.g. ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia dataset)